Wednesday, July 29, 2015


     This post will be quite interesting, considering my husband always tells me that I "need a hobby".  When in all reality, I feel that I have numerous hobbies that keep me busy when I'm not tending to the kids.  My husband has a broad range of hobbies that keep him occupied.  He always seems to be able to keep himself entertained.  Whether it's playing a video game, hunting, fishing, or grilling (he's very serious when it comes to this method of cooking!), he is ALWAYS finding ways to keep him busy!

     My hobbies are quite different than my husbands.  I mean, sure, I like to fish occasionally.  I don't think my husband is all that thrilled with me doing it because he is always the one putting the worms on, and taking the fish off.  That's for the kids too, so needless to say, when the whole family goes fishing, my husband doesn't get to do much of it himself. Sorry babe!

     My hobbies tend to be a bit more low-key. I LOVE to read.  Reading is my absolute, most favorite thing in this entire, huge world, that I LOVE.  I get that some people just aren't into it.  In fact, a lot of times, it's hard for me to get into a book when I first start it.  But, oh that feeling, when it suddenly hooks you in and you cannot, will not, absolutely refuse to put that book down!  If only I could take readers away with my words.  Let them live carefree through the characters in my head.  If I could do any one job, and money was no option, I would either be an author, or own a book store.  One can always dream I suppose!

     Another one of my hobbies, and I've just recently picked this one up, is painting.  I still have A LOT to learn about it.  In fact, I've only done one painting, and it's not even finished yet.  But I work on it a little at a time.  It's an odd feeling, coming up with ideas a tiny bit at a time.  I don't know when it will be finished, but I'm sure I will "know". 

     The last hobby that I will share with you, is gardening.  Growing up, my mom and dad always had a garden.  Some years, they were huge, others not so much.  Regardless, there was usually always a garden.  So this year, I decided to give one a shot myself.  Sure, it's time consuming, but it is also so relaxing.  I love that my kids are able to watch us and help us grow our own food.  I love that we started it from seeds and they were able to come down to the garden and check on it's progress with me!  My daughter is an extremely picky eater, but she is eating more veggies right now because she helped grow them!  It may not seem like a big deal to everybody, but it's a huge deal to me! 

     I have to say, I love the little hobbies I have.  You're right, they aren't very active hobbies, and they aren't very exciting hobbies, but they are what makes me happy in this little corner of the world that I live in.

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