Wednesday, July 29, 2015


     Oh goodness....this is going to be a HARD post for me.  I have gone back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth again, on whether or not I'm doing the right thing for my family.  Maybe putting it out there for the world to see may make me feel better about it.  And then again, maybe not.

     I have been blessed to be able to stay home with my children since they were born (for the most part).  Sure, I have worked jobs here and there.  Mainly to get out of the house for awhile and to try to meet some friends.  Why can't making friends be as easy as it was when we were 5?!?  "Hi, my name is Andrea.  What's your name?  Want to be my friend?"  If only!  Growing up is hard!!

     Anyway, getting back on point.  I've been a stay at home mom for many years now.  I was actually working at a job I absolutely LOVED.  I was a receptionist at a local vet clinic for about a year.  It was an amazing experience.  I am obsessed with dogs, and seeing them every day was so much fun!  I learned a lot from working there.  Unfortunately, I had to quit.  With my husbands job and work schedule it was affecting our family life.  My husband works out of town during the week, third shift.  We have made it work, and we have had some rather difficult moments because of it, but I am truly grateful for his job and the opportunity it provides to me to be able to stay at home with the kids. 

     The reason I've gone back and forth about whether or not I'm making the right decision is because I come from a family that works hard.  Not saying everybody's family doesn't.  My mom has always held more than one job and my dad has worked hard his entire life.  I always feel like I should be contributing more to my family, and I don't really feel like I'm contributing unless it is in a financial way.  Which I know is a ridiculous way to think. 

     When I was working, my kids weren't able to go out for many extra-curricular activities.  With my husband out of town, and the work schedule I had, it was hard to get them anywhere.  I know, I know, there are single parents out there that make it work all the time.  But if I am able to stay home with them and be able to get them to extra activities, then I am going to do that because I want their childhood to be so special.  I also feel better knowing that I am spending as much time with my kids as I can while they are young because that's time that I will never get back from them. 

     If you were to ask me if I am proud of my "work".  All I would have to do is simply look at my thriving, healthy, full of life, children and know that I couldn't be MORE proud of the work that I am doing. 

1 comment:

  1. Working, or not working, you're an amazing mom and you are definitely, without a doubt contributing. I think that our jobs as moms are often overlooked. It can be exhausting and overwhelming, then beautiful and rejuvenating in the same breath. Whatever the current season holds, you're making a difference. <3
