Saturday, July 25, 2015

Something I Do Every Day...

     Sorry about not being able to post yesterday. I was hoping to catch up on some much needed rest after this crazy week. I will say that I was able to get a bit more sleep last night than I have all week, so I am absolutely thankful for that!  So, my plan is to write a post this afternoon and my second post this evening to be all caught up!

     My post this afternoon will be about something that I'm grateful for that I do every day. Which should be so easy right?  Well, I am blessed to say that when I sat down to think about it, I was thankful for MORE than one thing that I'm able to do everyday!  It was actually a little hard to narrow it down to just one. Of course, I am thankful that I am alive, and that I have my health, family, and friends.  I am thankful for my wonderful, loving husband, and my full of life, keep every day interesting, children!

     The one thing I am thankful for that I get to do everyday is our "Peak and Pit" of the day. Okay, okay, I would be fibbing if I told you we did this EVERY day, because we don't. I mean, life gets busy and sometimes we just aren't able to sit around a dining room table for dinner and are eating on the go in between practices, or traveling. But, when we sit down to dinner most nights, we do what we call our "Peak and Pit" of the day. Every one of us goes around the table and tells the rest about the best part of our day, and why. Then we follow with the lowest part of our day, and why. I enjoy it because it gives me a look into my kids lives and lets me know what makes them tick. What makes their smiles so much bigger, and the little things I would never guess, that make their hearts break.

     I love that my kids are comfortable enough to talk to my husband and I about any issues that they are having or anything that makes them smile. I honestly believe the saying that I heard once, and it will be loosely translated here, "Listen to the little things that your children say, because someday the little things become the big things."  I'm not perfect at that, and I know most people aren't. It's hard to listen to EVERY thing that comes out of those sweet little mouths! Ha!  But I try with all of my might, to make eye contact with them and really hold on to their attention when they do share things with me, because I don't want them to feel that they can't tell me anything.

     I am truly blessed to feel comfortable in knowing that my kids can talk to us about anything. That's all I've ever wanted in life, is for my kids not to feel like they have to hide things from their parents. I want us to be their safe place always.

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