Thursday, July 23, 2015

Something I See Everyday....

     Today's gratitude post is going to be about something I see everyday. My "something" is my wonderful, brilliant, caring husband. I honestly could not be more grateful for the man I chose to spend the rest of my life with.  For the man who is the most outstanding father to our children.

  I have been going through some health issues this week, and my husband has been right by my side the entire time. Now, I'm not saying that is the only reason I am grateful for him, because Lord knows, it's not. I can truthfully say that I thank the good Lord for him every single day.

  I am unbelievably lucky to have a man that would rather spend his down time with me and the kids. Somebody who is always looking for things to do as a family rather than wanting to run the town with his friends. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with spending time apart and spending time with your friends by any means. It just means the world to me that he would rather be with me and our kids than anybody else.

 I am lucky enough to be able to stay home and take care of our kids because of his opportunity to provide for us as a family. I'll be the first to admit, that I could probably be a better homemaker. I mean, we all have things we can improve on right?  Yet, he doesn't complain about any of it!  He's just happy to come home to me, to us.

  I don't know what I would do without him. He is my rock, my best friend, my all time number one supporter, and the one who keeps me stable when I start getting a little nutty lol!  We are pretty opposite, but I believe that is what balances us out and makes us such a great couple. Sure, we have had our ups and downs, what couple hasn't?  But I believe in fixing something instead of just throwing it away. After all, I did make a vow to spend my life with him, loving him through all the good and bad times. And he has stuck by me through everything. I know that there will be rocky times ahead. After all, life isn't a fairytale like they make you believe in all the books. And we will be there for each other, standing strong, and making it through whatever is thrown our way.

  My hope is that both of my children are able to find a love like ours. It's not perfect, but it's perfect for us, and it makes my whole world so much brighter, happier, and loving. In fact, my hope is that everybody is able to find a love like that. One that makes them so grateful for the person they chose to spend their life with.


  1. Now I tried to add a picture of my husband and I, but obviously I'm super new at this and failed miserably :( Sorry all!

  2. I love this. You guys inspire me. You have come through a lot together and I only see that you are both wiser, stronger, and love each other more deeply. Love that is worth fighting for is such a special thing. :)
