Monday, March 17, 2014

Judgy McJudgerson

     This is going to be a total ranting post.  A ranting post mainly because I need to get this off of my chest, and also because maybe if I put it out there, and look at it on paper, (well screen), I will maybe try to figure out a way to not let this bother me so much...

     I know that everybody has family issues, and I love my family dearly!  The main issue I'm having is I cannot STAND how judgmental some of my extended family is!  I mean, I literally get anxiety the ONE time that we all get together every year because it's like they will look for anything negative in people.  And I know that this is because they need to feel better about themselves, but it's bad when I'm harping at my husband about what he's wearing, and if he has a spot of dirt on his hand!  I'm all over my kids to make sure they look their absolute best, you'd think we were on our way to church in our Sunday best the way I'm after them! 

     Now, anybody who knows me, knows that I'm not a judgmental person.  Not in the slightest.  I pretty much let my kids wear what they want in order to express themselves (obviously it has to be weather appropriate and age appropriate).  I never tell my husband that he's not wearing this or not wearing that.  I don't care if people are staring at my broken out face when we are out shopping or if every strand of hair is not in place.  But I'm totally different when it comes to that side of my family. 

     I don't want to be that way.  I don't want to look for the negative in every single person, ESPECIALLY the people I love the most.  I don't want to become so materialistic that that becomes all I look at in anybody I meet.  I want to stay me.  I want to accept anybody and everybody with open arms.  I want to form opinions on somebody after I learn their story.  And even then, I will still have a hard time not liking you and finding the absolute best in you. 

     Now I just need to figure out how to move past this.  How to learn to be myself in front of these people who are so unaccepting of anybody who doesn't fit into society's mold.  If I'm anything, I'm definitely not the mold that society has placed on people these days.  I'm weird, I'm awkward in front of groups of people.  I sing almost everything that comes out of my mouth.  I normally don't care what people think about me, and even though it takes a lot of time and effort to get to know me, I would definitely say that it's worth it! Ha!  I just need to be confident in who I am around this part of my family, and not let these things bother me.  Or just find a way to point it out to them because maybe they don't even realize that they are doing it?  Something to think about I guess...

1 comment:

  1. I was just posting earlier and thought...huh, I haven't ready anything from "Annie" in a while, so I had to come check.

    The thing are the one that has it figured out. You can't look for the negative in everyone and be happy with yourself. In people, situations and things, there is beauty in every single one of them...but there are always flaws too. We have to make a choice every day to choose to focus on the beauty. Unfortunately, many people do not have the desire...or the joy to do that. They tear others down because they are lacking something themselves.

    I feel so fortunate that I had the chance to get to know you!!! You are right! You're totally worth it! ;) You are one of the most caring, funny, sweet and compassionate people I know...and you're a little weird too. ;) I hope you can continue to embrace it. Just know there are lots of us out here, that wouldn't have you...or your little family any other way. <3
